sunday n. 〔美国〕圣代〔冰淇淋加水果奶油等〕。 n. 星期日;(基督教国家的)礼拜日,安息日,主日。 last Sunday=on Sunday last (在)上一个星期日。 next Sunday (在)下一个星期日。 on Sunday 在星期日。 on Sundays 每到星期日。 this Sunday (在)本星期日。 Mid-Lent Sunday=Mothering [Refreshment] Sunday. Show Sunday 〔牛津大学〕校庆日前的星期日。 Low Sunday 复活节后的星期日。 adj. 业余的,星期日举行的;(服饰等)星期天出门穿的,最佳的。 vi. 过星期日。 a week [month] of Sundays 许多时日。 look two ways to find Sunday 斜着眼看。
Thousands of christians observed palm sunday in jerusalem 数千基督徒在耶路撒冷度过棕枝全日。
I ve never missed a palm sunday service in my entire life 她说,她一辈子从未缺席过任何一次棕榈主日的礼拜活动。
5 . 1 to ensure a hygienic environment , leaves and branches should not be used on palm sunday 5 . 1为卫生起见,圣枝主日,暂不采用树枝。
On palm sunday 2002 george bush and his entourage were flying home from el salvador 2002年的棕枝全日,乔治.布什与随行人员正坐在从萨尔瓦多飞往首都华盛顿的飞机上。
Luke 8 : 51 he knew what would happen . he knew the crowds would throw palm branches and applaud him on that day , which has become palm sunday ?知道会发生甚么事, ?知道那个主日,群众会把棕枝铺在路上,夹道欢迎? 。
I walked about 10 minutes from my hotel to the church of the holy sepulcher . it was palm sunday , and the small courtyard in front of the church was packed 我从旅馆出去了约十分钟,抵达圣墓教堂。这天是棕枝全曰(复活节前的星期曰) ,教堂前的小庭院挤满了人。
Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all four canonical Gospels.